Ottoman Mustafa I Period (1622-23)

Sultan Mustafa I diangkat sebagai sultan Ottaman buat kali kedua selepas kematian Osman II. Period pemerintahan beliau bermula pada Mei 1622 dan berakhir September 1623.

Petikan (wiki):

Pada awal period pemerintahan Mustafa I bertindak membunuh semua pembesar yang terlibat dalam pembunuhan Osman II. Mereka yang dibunuh adalah ketua pemberontak Hoca Ömer Efendi, the kızlar Agha Suleiman Agha, vizier Dilaver Pasha, the Kaim-makam Ahmed Pasha, the defterdar Baki Pasha, the segban-bashi Nasuh Agha. Manakala jeneral yang mengetuai Janissari Ali Agha, dibunuh dengan memotong-motong tubuhnya.

His mental condition unimproved, Mustafa was a puppet controlled by his mother and brother-in-law, the grand vizier Kara Davud Pasha. He believed that Osman II was still alive and was seen searching for him throughout the palace, knocking on doors and crying out to his nephew to relieve him from the burden of sovereignty. “The present emperor being a fool” (according to English Ambassador Sir Thomas Roe), he was compared unfavorably with his predecessor. In fact, it was his mother Halime Sultan the de facto-co-ruler as Valide Sultan of the Ottoman empire.

Political instability was generated by conflict between the Janissaries and the sipahis (Ottoman cavalry), followed by the Abaza rebellion, which occurred when the governor-general of Erzurum, Abaza Mehmed Pasha, decided to march to Istanbul to avenge the murder of Osman II. The regime tried to end the conflict by executing Kara Davud Pasha, but Abaza Mehmed continued his advance. Clerics and the new Grand Vizier (Kemankeş Kara Ali Pasha) prevailed upon Mustafa’s mother to allow the deposition of her son. She agreed, on condition that Mustafa’s life would be spared.

The 11-year-old Murad IV, son of Ahmed I and Kösem, was enthroned on 10 September 1623. In return for her consent to his deposition, the request of Mustafa’s mother that he be spared execution was granted. Mustafa was sent along with his mother to the Eski (old) Palace.

One source states that Mustafa was executed by the orders of his nephew, Sultan Murad IV on 20 January 1640 in order to end the Ottoman dynasty and prevented to give power to his mother Kösem Sultan. Another source states that he died of epilepsy which was caused by being imprisoned for 34 years out of his 48 years of life. He is buried in the courtyard of the Haghia Sophia.

34 yeni camii 1597-1663

Yeni Camii mula dibina pada 1597 (source: link)

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